Saturday, April 15, 2006

Mourning Dove on Pot

Some friends of ours have this frame with two flower pots as a decoration on the wall next to their sidewalk. This mouring dove decided the lower pot was a great place to set up house. She let me get pretty close to shoot a couple shots, but when my wife raised her hand to point at a near-by flower, she flushed and flew away. Looking inside the pot we saw a single egg.

I guess she came back -- that's what our friends said -- but when we visited a week later, the pot was empty. Apparently it was just a little too low and a little too tempting for a neighborhood cat. I don't know if the cat got the momma mouring dove, but the egg ended up on the ground on the other side of the sidewalk. If she did live, maybe next year she'll take the time to build a proper home out of harms reach instead of taking the lazy approach and moving into a ready-made but risky residence.


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