Saturday, June 17, 2006

Coke Car Workout

Our friend, Darby, loves everything Coke. A visit to her house (museum) would clue anyone in on that. She even has 3 different Coke kiddie pedal cars. Very shiny -- each one. I was surprised to see her let anyone actually use one -- but that's what she bought them for, she says. She has them for when "the grandkids visit." Since she doesn't have any grandkids yet, this visiting youngster would do. He had a great time -- pedaling some, but using "dad power" to make it up the hills.

The occasion was Frankie's (Darby's youngest) High School Graduation Party. Lots of people were there and lots of fun was had. I also got to finally meet Chris' (Darby's eldest) new girlfriend -- A Miss California contestant or something -- not sure -- I do know she is a cast member at Disneyland. She plays "Sleeping Beauty." She says it's a dream job. She was talking Julie-Ana (Darby's middle child) into trying out at well. Check out some of the pictures near the end of the link. Much to Chris' displeasure, his girlfriend and sister seem to get along great.


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