Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Caroline Graduates High School

Today it's official. Caroline is a high school graduate. They really didn't pass out diplomas and get it right -- they just passed out empty books, and later the kids had to go back to get the real paper, but that's OK -- she got one. Now we just have to figure out how to pay for college.

We got to the graduation an hour early -- and so did everyone else. We didn't get a jump on anyone. We at least got a good place to park, and I got a semi good spot to sit and shoot pictures of the ceremony. I was forever away, but at least I have a 300mm lens to get me a bit closer. I'm glad we ended up on the side we did -- looking across at the other seats that were completely out in the sun, I could see the people there were miserable. Also, shooting into the sun like that -- I wonder if anyone got anything good? Well, I didn't have to worry -- I was on the shady side, sort of.

Of course I was there to take a photo of Caroline graduating (see above), but Caroline gave me a list of friends to shoot as well. They had two lines going, one with their backs to me, and the other looking more dead-on. Fortunately for us, Caroline was on the "facing us" side. Some of her friends were not in this situation -- so I got a couple of "back" shots. Sorry -- best I could do. They weren't letting zillions of parents down on the field to shoot their kids getting their diploma. Since there were over 600 kids graduating, that would be a lot of parents to shuffle through as well.


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