Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bates Nut Farm

Today my photo club took a trip up to Bates Nut Farm to photograph all the kiddies, pumpkins, donkeys -- whatever. Mainly it was an enjoyable trip, with only a hitch or two.

The sky was overcast, but that made for great shots with no harsh shadows. Before I left home I was wondering if anyone would show up considering the weather, but when I got there, all doubts were gone -- the place was crowded. Typically this week before Halloween is pretty crowded and this was no exception. It seems it was going to be a great photo outing.

The hitch I came across was shooting lots of various kids -- and encountering a dad who thought perhaps I had nefarious reasons for my photography. We finally convinced him we weren't pedophiles, but we decided we definitely need to get some cards printed up to pass out to help people understand what we're about.

There were 13 of us there taking photos -- the link just goes to my photos.

Personal note to Clark -- Yes, I stole your "Children of the Corn" idea, but only for my Blog -- it doesn't appear anywhere in my photos I'm sharing with the club (check out the link to verify).


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