Southwest Vacation, Day 1
Our summer has been a busy one. I've had to do some traveling for work and Bev has been trying to wrangle contractors to finish the remodel project -- no it's STILL not done yet, but we're pretty close. I think we'll make much more progress now that we've fired the main contractor (Michael de Leon -- if you ever have the opportunity to do business with him, RUN). Only two items remain that keep us from getting our occupancy permit: The upstairs balcony doesn't have a railing and our road is still too narrow. At least the tile is finally done on the upstairs deck and balcony.
In the middle of all this, we managed to get a couple weeks off to go on vacation. I've posted a few pictures, but I've been working on the "motherload." It really isn't ready for prime-time yet, but it's been so long, I felt like I'd shoot with what I have.
The photos are not just my photos -- most are I guess, but a good portion of them are Caroline's. There's a mix of a few other people shooting photos as well, but pretty much all photos in the posted collection are from 1 of 4 different cameras: My Canon 10D, Caroline's Canon 350D Digital Rebel XT, Darby's Canon 300D Digital Rebel, or my little Nikon Coolpix 5600.
I'm only part way through editing photos, and when I edit I usually add a caption. Therefore, at this time, you can assume if a photo has a caption, it's probably mine. No one else has captions on their photos (yet). Caroline mainly took photos of people, but that's not to say she doesn't have scenery shots -- she does. Likewise I spent a lot of time shooting scenery, but I also took people shots too. I tried to cut down on some of the duplication, but there are still some shots that look like others -- as I said, it's still a work in progress, but I got tired of waiting to post.
Due to the lack of captions, I'll summarize the trip in subsequent posts by date. At least all photos in the online album have a date/time stamp so you can figure out where they go in these blog articles. Warning -- I'm not good in boiling down an entire trip to a few photos -- I've posted 420 photos. Yes, that's a lot. Don't try to see them all at once -- you'll get way too bored I'm sure.
The first day was just a driving day. We planned on leaving early and getting to our hotel in Williams, AZ. We figured that was an easy drive to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Not too many pictures from this day as it was just a travel day.
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